Protection Keyring


KEYRINGS - I get asked for them a lot.

Recently I had a beautiful email asking for a Keyring from a customer for her Son.
She didn't go into details, but said I should consider 'Sharing' as there may be many more parents out there searching for something similar.

The brief was the Keyring needed to be simple. But Strong.
It needed to promote 'Protection' - maybe an Amulet and something else, but also be discreet.
And it had to be Silver in colour to match his 'Keys'.

I thought about this for a couple of days/nights.

Keys must mean he either Drives, or has House Keys...maybe Hostel Keys....and his Mum is looking out for him.

So maybe he get's into difficult situations.

I've made her, and ultimately him this keyring.

An Amulet is an item of Jewelry that gives protection against danger, evil or sickness.
I chose Clear Quartz.
Clear Quartz is one of my Favourite stones.
It is not only healing, but its balancing, a strong focus stone, and it's probably one of the most Energising stones around.
It's discreet and oozes Protection.
I decided to add a simple Evil Eye Bead.

The Evil Eye symbol originates from Greece.
It is said to repel bad luck and wrap you in safety.


Em x

This also can be used as a Zipper Pull on any Zip.... School Bag, Tent, Sleeping Bag, Jacket.....

My lovely customer also added a Protection Gift Card into her order.
I know he can take this little jar where he needs to with his Mums personal message and that makes me super happy!!

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KEYRINGS - I get asked for them a lot.

Recently I had a beautiful email asking for a Keyring from a customer for her Son.
She didn't go into details, but said I should consider 'Sharing' as there may be many more parents out there searching for something similar.

The brief was the Keyring needed to be simple. But Strong.
It needed to promote 'Protection' - maybe an Amulet and something else, but also be discreet.
And it had to be Silver in colour to match his 'Keys'.

I thought about this for a couple of days/nights.

Keys must mean he either Drives, or has House Keys...maybe Hostel Keys....and his Mum is looking out for him.

So maybe he get's into difficult situations.

I've made her, and ultimately him this keyring.

An Amulet is an item of Jewelry that gives protection against danger, evil or sickness.
I chose Clear Quartz.
Clear Quartz is one of my Favourite stones.
It is not only healing, but its balancing, a strong focus stone, and it's probably one of the most Energising stones around.
It's discreet and oozes Protection.
I decided to add a simple Evil Eye Bead.

The Evil Eye symbol originates from Greece.
It is said to repel bad luck and wrap you in safety.


Em x

This also can be used as a Zipper Pull on any Zip.... School Bag, Tent, Sleeping Bag, Jacket.....

My lovely customer also added a Protection Gift Card into her order.
I know he can take this little jar where he needs to with his Mums personal message and that makes me super happy!!

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